

以最基础的Request header入手。

HTTP 消息头允许客户端和服务器通过 request和 response传递附加信息。一个请求头由不区分大小写的名称后跟一个冒号“:”,冒号后跟具体的值(不带换行符)组成。该值前面的引导空白会被忽略。



字段名 描述 示例 状态
Accept-Charset 能够接受的字符集 Accept-Charset: utf-8 常设
Accept-Encoding 能够接受的编码方式列表。 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate 常设
Accept-Language 能够接受的回应内容的自然语言列表。 Accept-Language: en-US 常设
Referer 來源頁面 Referer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page 常設
User-Agent 浏览器的浏览器身份标识字符串 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.79 Safari/537.36 Maxthon/ 常設



不过Request header中包含的信息实在是少的可怜,所以需要使用其他方法来获取更多的信息。



并且除了Request header以外我们还可以学习fingerprintjs是怎么获取访客信息的。


  1. UserAgent
  2. Language
  3. Color Depth
  4. Screen Resolution
  5. Timezone
  6. Has session storage or not
  7. Has local storage or not
  8. Has indexed DB
  9. Has IE specific ‘AddBehavior’
  10. Has open DB
  11. CPU class
  12. Platform
  13. DoNotTrack or not
  14. Full list of installed fonts (maintaining their order, which increases the entropy), implemented with Flash.
  15. A list of installed fonts, detected with JS/CSS (side-channel technique) - can detect up to 500 installed fonts without flash
  16. Canvas fingerprinting
  17. WebGL fingerprinting
  18. Plugins (IE included)
  19. Is AdBlock installed or not
  20. Has the user tampered with its languages 1
  21. Has the user tampered with its screen resolution 1
  22. Has the user tampered with its OS 1
  23. Has the user tampered with its browser 1
  24. Touch screen detection and capabilities
  25. Pixel Ratio
  26. System’s total number of logical processors available to the user agent.
  27. Device memory



new Fingerprint2().get(function(result, components) {
  console.log(result) // a hash, representing your device fingerprint
  console.log(components) // an array of FP components

output 完美⭐~